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Top Ten: Die besten Songs zum 01. Mai


Top Ten: Die besten Songs zum 01. Mai

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Rick Springfield: Working-Class-Dog„Working from nine to five“ ist mitunter eines der viel-besungenen und oft kritisierten Themen in der Welt der Rockmusik. Pünktlich zum ersten Mai, dem Tag der Arbeit, gibt es hier unsere Liste mit den zehn besten Songs rund um das oft so leidige Konzept „Arbeit“.

10. Cinderella: ›Somebody Save Me‹
„Put your money in a big house, get yourself a pretty wife, she’ll collect your life insurance, when she connects you with a knife“

09. Dire Straits: ›Money For Nothing‹
„That ain’t workin‘, that’s the way you do it, money for nothin‘ and your chicks for free“

08. Bruce Springsteen: ›Factory‹
„Factory takes his hearing, factory gives him life, the working, the working, just the working life“

07. Bob Dylan: ›Ballad Of Hollis Brown‹
„You looked for work and money and you walked a ragged mile, your children are so hungry that they don’t know how to smile“

06. Led Zeppelin: ›Since I’ve Been Loving You‹
„Workin‘ from seven to eleven every night, it really makes life a drag, I don’t think that’s right“

05. The Kinks: ›Working At The Factory‹
„Take the money, make the music pay, working at the factory, all I lived for was to get out of the factory“

04. Rush: ›Working Man‹
„I get up at seven, yeah, and I go to work at nine, I got no time for livin’, yes, I’m workin’ all the time.“

03. ZZ Top: ›I Just Got Paid‹
„If you believe like workin‘ hard all day, just step in my shoes and take my pay.“

02. AC/DC: ›Down Payment Blues‹
„Living on a shoe string, a fifty cent millionaire, open to charity, Rock’n’Roll no welfare“

01. The Beatles: ›A Hard Day’s Night‹
„You know I work all day to get you money to buy you things and it’s worth it just to hear you say you’re going to give me everything“

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