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Battle Of The Bands: Lightscape first Finalist!


Battle Of The Bands: Lightscape first Finalist!

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lightscapeFrom 5th to 10th of september it’s Harley-Davidson® European Bike Week time. The winner of our „Battle Of The Bands“ will play the Main Stage alongside acts like Black Stone Cherry and Danko Jones.

We had an incredible amount of great music send in for the Battle of the Bands and picking three nominees was really tough. So without further ado here is our first nominee for the final round: Lightscape, the 5 piece rock setup from Norwich, UK convinced our jury with their modern fusion of Rock, Electronica, Post Hardcore, Metal and Indie. Congratulations to the band! We will announce two more nominees this week and the voting starts on Monday August 7 on www.classicrock.net.

Lightscape with their single ›Live in Fear‹:

Harley-Davidson® European Bike Week 2017:

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